Internal Wall Insulation DIY

Feeling the Chill? Conquer Cold Walls with Internal Wall Insulation DIY!

Hey there, home improvement enthusiasts! Does a frosty finger against your interior walls send shivers down your spine (besides the literal chill)? Drafty walls can be a real energy drain, not to mention a major mood-killer. But fear not, because today we’re tackling the mighty task of internal wall insulation DIY!

Now, before you envision a demolition crew and a month of living in chaos, internal wall insulation can actually be a manageable project for the determined DIYer. It’s a fantastic way to boost your home’s energy efficiency, keep those heating bills down, and create a cozier atmosphere.

Here’s a quick rundown of what you’ll need to know:

Is Internal Wall Insulation Right for You?

Internal wall insulation shines in situations where external insulation isn’t an option. Maybe you live in a listed building with specific exterior alterations. Perhaps your budget doesn’t stretch to external work. Whatever the reason, internal insulation can be a great alternative, especially for solid walls.

Types of Insulation:

  • Insulated plasterboard: This combines plasterboard with a pre-bonded layer of insulation, making it a relatively simple installation process.
  • Cavity insulation: If you have a cavity wall (two layers of brick with a gap in between), you can inject insulation material like beads or mineral wool. However, this is a job best left to the professionals.

DIY Installation:

For the brave souls venturing into the world of internal wall insulation DIY, insulated plasterboard is your friend. Here’s a simplified glimpse of the process:

  1. Prep work is key: Clear the room, protect the floor, and turn off the electricity.
  2. Measure and cut: Measure your walls and cut the insulated plasterboard to size.
  3. Apply adhesive: Spread the recommended adhesive on the back of the board.
  4. Secure it tight: Carefully position the board and screw it securely to the wall.
  5. Finishing touches: Fill any gaps with a suitable filler, sand smooth, and paint!

Bonus Tips:

  • Don’t forget the essentials: Invest in proper safety gear like gloves, goggles, and a dust mask.
  • Plan your electricals: Ensure you know where your electrical wires are located before drilling or screwing.
  • Befriend a level: A level will be your best friend for ensuring your insulation boards are straight.
  • Embrace the mess: There will be some mess involved, so embrace the drop cloths and dustpan!


While internal wall insulation DIY can be tackled by a motivated DIYer, it’s not for the faint of heart. If you’re unsure about your skills or the project’s complexity, don’t hesitate to consult a qualified professional.

So, are you ready to say goodbye to chilly walls and hello to a warmer, more energy-efficient home? Grab your tools, and get ready to conquer internal wall insulation DIY!
